Information goes here. This should include any basic information, and usually fully describe the information. For longer pages with multiple headings, consider putting a table of contents in the heading box.
Heading 3
When using headings, try to use pictures. If you do, break up the pictures so they take up roughly a 40% of the column. This will give a good text to image ration when reading. All headings and paragraphs should be separated by 25 pixels at all times. An exception is if text exceeds the height of the picture. In that case, if there would be more than one line below the picture, create another text box

and continue the paragraph. This needs to be checked on mobile for continuity, and may cause a strange line-break. As such, this should only be done on "commercial" pages that would allow for more focus on design and marketing.

Heading 3
If the paragraph is shorter than the picture, consider a new layout. However, always justify the top of the picture to the top of the header.
Paragraph breaks can occur in the text box (they're 22.5 pixels).

Each page should have navigation box, with a 25 pixel margin, with a page image (that should be placed in pages SEO). If it's an overview page (like the event page) then it should have a bullet point navigation bar (see below). If it's a page with a call to action, the button goes above the text.